This month, we’re discussing the 4 PROVEN ways kids grow spiritually. These aren’t the only ways middle school kids learn how to grow in their relationship with God, but these habits are a great start.

If a kid is ever going to make their faith their own, they will have to learn to spend time with God on their own. That’s why it’s the first spiritual habit we’re discussing.

What are some practical ways that we can teach kids to spend time with God?

Think about that for a second. Maybe you have some excellent ideas, or maybe you’re drawing a blank. But here are a few ways that we can encourage this habit by working together:

1) Make sure that kids have a Bible in a translation they can understand. Hearing about God only goes so far. But for teenagers who are growing in curiosity and critical thinking, they need to be able to go to the source and read the Bible themselves. (If you’d like a FREE Bible, let us know and we’ll make it happen)

2) Pray with them and pray in front of them. Normalize prayer for kids to help them understand it and try it on their own.

3) Help them discover new ways to connect with God. We can connect with God through silence, music, nature, conversations, service, and in many other ways beyond simply reading and praying.

As you ponder these ideas, pick one that you’d like to try this week. You don’t have to do them all. Just pick one and take the next step forward for your family.

But since we want to partner with you, let us know: How can our ministry do a better job of helping your kid to spend time with God?




Spiritual Habit 1 – Spend Time with God
Spiritual Habit 2 – Spend Time with Others
Spiritual Habit 3 – Use Your Gifts
Spiritual Habit 4 – Share Your Story