Hello, Grace Community!
I am writing you on behalf of the leadership of Grace to let you know that we will be resuming in-person worship services in our sanctuary beginning on Sunday, February 21st. This return will parallel the start of our journey through the season of Lent. We are looking forward to seeing some of you in just a few weeks.
In preparation for Sunday, 2/21, here’s what you need to know:
  • The service time each Sunday will be at 9:30 a.m.
  • Our capacity for this service will be limited to 100 persons in total.  However, overflow seating will be available in Hope Hall.
  • Advance reservations will not be required but you will be asked to check-in outside of the sanctuary as you arrive for worship.
  • Nursery care will NOT be available. However, parents with infants and toddlers are welcome in our sanctuary or if more room is desired, our overflow seating in Hope Hall also will be available.
  • Sunday school WILL be available for Kindergarten through 5th grade for up to ten students. Advance reservations are recommended. Please make a reservation via THIS LINK.
  • Our online service via Facebook, YouTube, and our website will continue to be offered for those who are not able or not yet comfortable to resume in-person worship services. This online service is available as early as 8:30 a.m. each Sunday and on-demand thereafter.
The leadership of Grace remains committed to being wise, safe, and compassionate as we continue to navigate and walk together through this global pandemic. A full, detailed outline of the health and safety measures we will be taking for our in-person worship services can be found via THIS LINK.
Our focus as a community of faith must continue to be seeking to respect and honor ALL people, including the most vulnerable among us. As Grace Lutheran Church, we are not merely individual members, but together part of the Body of Christ. Understanding this, we invite all to join us in being forgiving, gracious, and loving as we follow Jesus into our unfolding future as a church. In doing so, let us trust that, thanks be to God, the best is yet to come!
Grace to you!
Pastor Chris