This month, we’re practicing different ways to serve our neighbors as a family in 5 simple ways. Each of these activities can be done with all ages, and they are all things that can be done throughout the year. So please give these a try with your family, and see if there are any that you think you want to try again later on or build into a monthly rhythm as family. Together, we can learn simple, repeatable ways to help our families grow in the character of Jesus as we serve those around us.

This week, we are kicking things off with the “S” in serve, which stands for “Send Letters.”

Writing letters is a lost art-form. Too often, we receive texts, emails, Facebook messages, or are simply tagged on Instagram with an emoji. But think about the last time you received a hand-written note from someone?

Maybe it was a birthday card. Maybe it had a giftcard in it. But when was the last time you actually received a hand-written note with some sentiments and thoughts from someone else? How did it make you feel?

I’ll wager that it was meaningful. I’ll bet you might have held on to it for a little while. You probably felt cared for and loved.

I recently experienced an awful and unexpected loss in my family.

As my wife and I worked through the grief and processing, one of the incredible things was that we received a few cards and letters from people in our community. Some of them were simple and short. Some of them offered a Bible verse for comfort and wisdom. But all of them were beautiful and meaningful to me. I read each one. I kept them in a stack on my desk for a while. I even went back and reread a few.

I never reread any of the Facebook comments I received. A few emails I received were nice, but immediately got lost in my inbox as the days went on.

But the handwritten letters were so meaningful because they were special, intentional, and tangible.

You can make someone feel special like that.

Try that this week with your family. Think of someone that you can bless with a handwritten note. Maybe it’s a family member. Maybe it’s a friend or neighbor. Maybe it’s a classmate. Think of what you love about them and write it out. Tell them you’re thankful for them in your life.

That’s it. Simple, loving words can make a world of difference to someone.


Watch our short video with info on the other S.E.R.V.E. ideas:



This is part of a series. Here’s the other parts:
