The statistics are staggering: One in five kids suffers from an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety is on the rise among our kids, and so is depression, self-harm, and so many other mental and emotional health challenges.

It’s a scary thought, isn’t it? A kid’s inner world has the power to shape everything—their social lives, academics, and their overall mental state. The likelihood that your kid or teenager—or someone you know—may suffer from a mental health challenge one day can lead to feelings of powerlessness, fear, and panic among parents and caring adults.

But there’s good news: You actually do hold some power when it comes to your kids’ mental health. Parents can make a big difference in a kid or teenager’s life who is hurting emotionally or mentally. Research shows one of the best predictors of a kid’s success in life is having at least one consistent, supportive, and caring adult in their lives—and that’s you.

And there’s more good news, you don’t have to figure this all out alone. There are fantastic resources available that help equip parents for things they were never trained for.

One such resource that we’d like to highlight for you is the new Parenting with Mental Health in Mind course from Parent Cue (more info below). It’s a 12-section video course with experts in the field that will help you learn the psychology of what’s going on in your kid’s brain and science-based, practical tools to help your kid navigate a mental health challenge.

We’re highlighting this for you because our Parent Survey that we sent out last month gave us the feedback that “Teenage Mental Health” was the most requested parenting topic that YOU were interested in (tied with “Developing Spiritual Habits for my Student”).

So we’ll be doing our best to research and curate more resources for you to help you on this journey of parenting your kid.




From the experts at Parent Cue, there’s a brand new course, Parenting with Mental Health in Mind: A Parent’s Guide for Every Kid. After taking this course, you’ll feel more confident and equipped to help your kid or teen navigate any current or future emotional health challenges. Specifically, you’ll learn the psychology of what’s going on in your kid’s brain and science-based, practical tools to help your kid navigate a mental health crisis and the best way for you to support them. You will feel not only empowered and equipped to meet your kid’s mental health challenge head on, you’ll also have hope that you’re supporting your kid in the way they need most.