Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story.

In 2015, Harvard researchers found that every child who does well in the face of adversity has had at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive adult.

But author Josh Shipp didn’t need Harvard to know that. Once an at-risk foster kid, he was headed straight for trouble until he met the man who changed his life: Rodney, the foster parent who refused to quit on Shipp and got him to believe in himself.

Scroll down to learn more about this month’s Resource of the Month: The Grown-Up’s Guide to Teenage Humans.

Once in a while, a book comes along that makes you think, “I’d like to buy one of these for every single person I know.”

When it comes to parenting teenagers, this is that book for us. It’s called The Grown-Up’s Guide to Teenage Humans. It even comes in audiobook form and it’s currently marked down for the Kindle version!