Always Rely on Jesus
Family life brings plenty of challenges—and also plenty of opportunities to practice trusting in Jesus. Even positive changes can disrupt our schedules and affect relationships with each other and with God. Although you can’t control everything that comes your way, you can minimize the impact of stress, change, and uncertainty.
Whether children are experiencing good times or facing challenges, they have three primary needs:
1. Consistent Relationships
When life gets tough, kids need reassurance and familiarity. Model the positive qualities of Jesus, who’s consistently present, unconditionally accepting, attentive, affirming, and reliable.
2. A Safe Place
Children need an accepting place where they can talk about what’s happening in their lives. Be real with kids and encourage them to open up about their thoughts, fears, and emotions.
3. Boundaries and Structure
When new or different situations arise, maintain the same rules and routines, as much as possible. Let children know ahead of time what to expect. Then provide extra attention during changes.
The good news is that Jesus is always trustworthy, no matter what we’re facing. Read on for active ways to share that important truth with your children.
Jesus Won’t Let You Down
When life spins out of control, children need reminders of Jesus’ complete trustworthiness. They also may need skills to cope with anxiety or uncertainties. Use these tips to offer kids a much-needed B.R.E.A.K.:
- Be an example. Minimize any unnecessary stresses and cast all of your own cares on Jesus (see 1 Peter 5:7).
- Relate. Spend time together, share interests, listen, and cheer kids on.
- Educate yourself. Learn what stressors your kids face each day. What goes on at school, at daycare, or with their friends?
- Ask questions. Inquiries show you care—and help you understand.
- Keep praying. Talk to Jesus regularly about what your kids are facing.
“He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.”
—Deuteronomy 7:9
POWERSOURCE ASK GOD: 1. To guard your children and their faith during good times as well as challenges. 2. To make Jesus’ love real to all your family members. 3. To help you trust God no matter what you’re facing.
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RESOURCE RECOMMENDATIONSWordington This new word-puzzle app has kids solving puzzles to earn points and fix up an old house. Kids spell different words by drawing lines through letters arranged onscreen. Kids can buy hints with coins earned through play. The game has no objectionable content and is appropriate for ages 8+. This site is a learning hub for preschoolers, offering games, stories, apps, and printables. The site also includes reading and math exercises, plus activities with parents. While education has been short-circuited due to the pandemic, this is a great option for families unable to get young children into preschool. This site offers elementary-age kids lots of fun diversion, including jokes, polls, reading, math, hidden pictures, educational topics to explore, and even ways to share their artwork. Kids can even tune in and listen to stories on demand or choose a kid-friendly recipe to make at home. | TEACHABLE MOMENTSPowerful ProtectionSay: God’s special people were slaves in Egypt and were tired from working so hard. Moses told the Egyptian king, “Let my people go!” but the king didn’t listen. So God sent plagues, or troubles, to the land—but God kept his people safe each time! Re-enact the first nine plagues:
After each plague, shout, “Let my people go!” Take turns sharing times you’ve seen God’s power in action. Close in prayer, asking God to help your family trust in his protection. |
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